So. Last week was the AIMS Conference in good ol' Charlotte, NC, and yours truly was in attendance. Not only in attendance, but I was asked to perform some po-e-try for Mother Rivers, Lady Mae Blake, Lady K. C.-Sheard, Mother Fitts, Dr. Wells, and mad others at the Bishops' Wives' Luncheon. Now. For you non-COGICs, this setting and cast of characters may not sound spectacular...and I too am not normally a person that cares about the "celebrity" of things....but imagine, if you will, what the experience of Oprah asking you to be the first poet ever to preform at the Essence Women in Hollywood Luncheon would be like...and you'll have some idea of how it felt to be me last week. You may tease me if you wish....but I was in little COGIC girl heaven.
In completely unrelated news: I want to take up some sort of visual art...obviously not any type of drawing, because i skills in that area.....but something.
Peace Be