I was cleaning the apartment on Saturday (read: searching frantically for my Social Security card which I thought had been accidentally discarded), and I stumbled upon the program from my high school graduation. And I know...I should have put it away quickly without any second look, but instead I sat and stared for a good hour or so....
I miss Maurice.
I would love to hear what he has to say about the last seven years of my life. I hate the fact that I've had to spend seven years without him. I hate that he's not going to be around for the next seven. I hate that every time I bring up missing Maurice, people go to reminding me how blessed I was to take my own car that day; how blessed I was to take a different route home...instead really sucks that half your pair of best friends went and died on you. Especially now when the other half won't speak to you. Mm.
He would get a kick out of all of this...the getting into Wake, the living in North Cacky, the being paid to teach people things....he'd be proud of me I think. Even with all the craziness and not getting it right most of the time, he'd be proud.
iWPS qualifiers next week. I'll keep you posted.
Peace Be
Also. Prayers for Mom Dukes - she's not doing well these past few days.