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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adventures in Being Thankful


Thanksgiving was not as tragic as I thought it would be. Going home tomorrow.

Peace Be

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Adventures in Creeping Out the Neighbors


As is normally the case when I don't quite feel up to going into the house, I was sitting in my car watching YouTube videos. Now normally, I watch the latest Philip DeFranco, check and see if Kid Fury has said anything outrageous, maybe see what's going on with Page Meets Stage....and then go inside. But yesterday, I was held deep in the clutches of everything Ken Arkind has posted on the web.

[side note: that's a lot of linkage...don't say i don't fulfill your "bored at work" needs. end note]

In any case, I'm sitting in the car...bursting into raucous know...sobbing as the case may be (not real life sobbing....small...why can't i be as talented as ken teardrops), when I notice the slow and deliberate circling of a red vehicle. Of course, I immediately start gathering my belongings, because any time a car passes twice with no purpose...something shady is usually in the process of going down, and I didn't want to be present when things went wrong. My intent - to be in the house by the time this car made it around for a third time; however, by the time I looked up from having collected my bag...this dude was definitely parked behind my vehicle, making preperations to exit.

[side note: haven't prayed for real in a better belive I had some words with Jesus right then. end note]

So. As this guy is making a casual...creepy stroll to the car, I immediately crank up...because if need be, I will ram his little red Honda and flee; I will not be punked in the parking lot of my own apartment complex. But before I took drastic action, he had sped to a light jog and tapped on my window...'twas Tim...the maintenance guy for the complex; he had gotten mad calls about a crazy woman sitting outside my apartment and was coming to investigate....trag.

I have no...insight to add to this tale beyond...I better.

Peace Be
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adventures in Comedy


This is brought to you by the homie Jessica Hagy. It life.

Peace Be

Monday, November 15, 2010

Adventures in Unloading


In no particular order:

  1. A friend of mine asked if my heart still hurt the same amount as it did when we officially separated (again) this past summer. The answer is of course not. It hurts more.
  2. Whatever new age thing my neighbor is into now is causing him to wear bright purple head wraps. There also appears to be's almost 2011. Who is still chanting?
  3. My baby brother is turning 16 on Thursday, and it's dawned on me recently that in the next few years I'll be sending him off to college. I need to readjust my finances...quickly.
  4. I hate my voice. It really sucks to have near perfect pitch and a voice box that can only do a fifth of what I want it to.
  5. Parents are....infuriating.
  6. I'm starting to be the annoying friend - the one who's always sad or has problem or some other annoying thing to deal with - and I was trying so hard not to be that here. It's not their fault I don't have anyone else in this city...anyway. Must think happy thoughts. Be...the happy friend. 
  7. I've turned into a smoker. Not or two cigarettes to calm my nerves....but a legit....pack-a-day smoker. My lungs....hate me.
*Deep Breath*

Ok. That's it.

Peace Be
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Adventures in Bio-Terrorism


It's that time of year again.

The weather has cooled down a bit and the heat across the school has been cranked up. The boys are sweating more heavily in the gym....but they are not compensating with additional anti-perspirant. What they are trying to cover the smell with an additional layer of Axe body spray. One student in covering it with some God-forsaken Chocolate scent...which makes me want to jump off a roof.

Normally, I would counteract this winter aroma with my usual hygeine speech...but these days I'm so on edge about everything...that the thought of having to tell the children, again, how funky they can be...makes me really angry. Or worse, when I consider that some of them really don't have the kind of parents that care whether or not the children come to school smelling the way they do... I getreally sad.


I need someone to donate 50 sticks of Secret and 50 of Old Spice for me to pass out to the children before gymn.

Peace Be
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adventures in the Camel's Back


I'd kind of prepared a long and lengthy diatribe surrounding the "events" of last night....but this morning it appears that I have a lot less to say than I thought. The punchline: my big brother is not coming home for Thanksgiving. This was not the week to find that out.

Peace Be

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Adventures in Red Hands


This video represents the beginning of the red hand campaign; Artist and activist Sha'Condria Sibley, aka iCon the poet, speaks up and out about and against violence.

Peace Be

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Adventures in Being Colored


I did it.

I gathered a small support group and went to see For Colored Girls. And...I will say that I was...pleasantly surprised.

Beyond that, all I've got is go see it for yourself. The overall experience of it is determined by whether you've just read the original play, seen a good production of it, been in a good production of it, heard about it from one of your artsy friends in college...or just been dragged along as a member of someone's support group...too many variables to give a fair review.

In completely unrelated news - I have developed a theory. I think I was an over-sharer in my past life. I think I talked so much about myself that one day, someone tired of it and beat me mercilessly until I died. And the memory of this, is what keeps me from talking to people now, even though I know its unhealthy. Don't judge my theory. It's awesome.

Peace Be
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