congratulations to me - i made it to another birthday.
i celebrated...mainly by being sick...but also by ignoring my phone every time it buzzed to tell me that someone i haven't talked to in 1 - 5 years was wishing me a happy birthday. when one of my former roommate's names flashed across the screen...for a moment it looked like the badge said, "beyonce wrote on your wall"....and i will admit...that i was secretly excited for approximately 3 milliseconds. but then i came to the realization that (a) she would not be writing on my wall and (b) she might be married to the antiChrist, so i want to limit communication between the two of us as much as possible.
my baby brother is anxiously waiting to take me on some surprise birthday outing, but the projectile vomiting keeps getting in the way. no worries all know how i feel about staying hydrated in the midst of this i am on top of the water consumption. i am also not overexerting myself with activities like laundry or packing for my trip next week to cali.
in other news: i'm going to to try to get back on my blogging game this summer - there was a bit of a slump post-poetry month, but i'm not disappearing.
until next time...
peace be