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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adventures in Revelatory Home Visits


In the tradition of all people who are probably too "deep" for their own good, I couldn't just go home for the sake of going home; I had to learn a few things. Here we go:

  1. It is necessary to go on some sort of ritual fast for at least a week prior to coming here....this trip alone has negated all of the pretend healthy eating I've done since March. While being hungry for seven days might have some type of backlash in terms of the initial amount of food consumed upon first walking in the door of Mom's house, it may be well worth it in terms of the level of spiritual preparedness for the task of being at home.
  2. My mother has this horrible habit of not telling me what's going on...several people that I - admittedly wasn't all that close to, but had some amount of concern for - have passed away in recent weeks, but she didn't tell me because she didn't want me thinking about it while I was on the road poeting. Granted...I can appreicate the intent behind the secrecy, but great day. (Note: any parallels to my own levels of "secrecy" are completely inappropriate and utterly
  3. I like dark red fingernail polish. This is very un-COGIC of me.
  4. I almost confessed my undying love for an old friend of mine on Twitter. This would have been tragic in so many ways....mainly because it's Twitter. And because it's 2010 - who still falls in and out of love with their friends?
  5. White chocolate cheesecake is still a gift from Jesus. (see #1 for additional information)...and finally,
  6. It's time to start thinking about moving futher south. Four hours is too far away when you need to get somewhere in a hurry. I've been checking out the school systems in Atlanta, Savannah, Columbia....cut the journey home in able to pop in and out on the weekends, that whole thing.
Ok. That's enough of me. You all stay safe.

Peace Be

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