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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Adventures in Insomnia


Every personal blog that I follow is doing some type of....New Year - New Me posting here at the beginning of 2011, and in some regards I feel compelled to do the same thing (case in point - I taught all my classes today and yesterday), but for the most part I find all of this New Year's Propaganda a little disingenuous. What about January 1st makes you a different person than you were on December 31st? And if you can become this completely new and improved version of yourself all of a sudden....why didn't you do that last week? Can we also start making...Ides of March resolutions? Because that would make as much sense. Mm.

Also. I'm back to not sleeping properly....which is...fine. A little nervous about the excessive forgetfulness. And the losing everything. And the random crying. And the having to talk really slowly so the stuttering thing doesn't happen. But other than that....things are great. Haven't smoked anything in two weeks....which is good....and I ate two meals yesterday. This is progress. I'm excelling.

Peace Be

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