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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Adventures in Writing


I woke up with the "intention" of working on the geometry review for my babies to work on today while I finalized grading, but I cannot get Marty McConnell's book out of my head. I cannot tell you why Wine for a Shotgun is amazing; I just know that it is. And I will tell you that I was skeptical. After thoroughly wowing me with the "saints to pop culture icons" series (special shout out to Saint Catherine of Sienna to Mary Kate Olsen), I was admittedly less wowed when I read the first few in the tarot inspired a very "come on poet - I know that we all see the world differently....but please see it less differently" kind of way. But something about the collection is the first thing my mind went to at 2:30 this morning.

That to say - I love reading poetry. I love noticing what other writers do; I love watching them evolve - seeing what they do well. Good work of course, usually sparks and idea or two that I will run with at a later date (e.g. the notion for "Whitney Houston to Blue Ivy" piece came from Catherine to Mary...which you really should have read by now). Rarely reading/hearing another poet will compel me to rethink what I I do it better.

Excited to see what the words will do next.

Peace Be

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