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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Adventures in 9/30

here is the activity:
find a friend with an affinity for Tetris
and a need to procrastinate
make her call out a list of words:
whatever trinkets come to mind
make of those words something like magic
to pour out of the tip of your pen
a test to see how quickly you can think on your feet
better a still
a game of chicken when your car is out of brakes
or staring down the barrel of an angry lover's gun
any test
that will obliterate reason
and sear you bones to milk with fear
send a firestorm rumble to the pit of your belly
will it spew up something like alter reason
to illuminate the path to get you out alive
or will this be the thing that does it

here is the game:
make of each breath an orchestral sound in the base of your throat
make an arsenal of friends that will trust you with their words
make a music of not knowing what may happen next
make amends with Fate
and she will make up the rest

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