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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adventures in NaPoWrimo 2012


Can we talk about how it's April already?
Can we talk about how I've only added 1 or 3 new po-ems to my repertoire since the conclusion of NaPoWriMo last April?
Can we talk about how I'm up to my earlobes in ideas, but still somewhere around my ankles in actual words?
Can we talk about how tragic that is?


We're three days out from NaPoWriMo 2012, and I'm so geeked up I can hardly see straight. Last year's 30/30 gave birth to some astounding awesomeness, including (but not limited to) {}At First Sight and a pretty dope award from the good folks at Franklin-Christoph.

Two things that will be different this year:
  1. Going to concentrate about a third of my efforts to po-ems for the stage, and leave the rest to po-ems for the page, and
  2. Going to write a pantoum this year. (Pantoums have been my secret poetry goal since I was 14 or so, and I have yet to create even the most humble beginnings of one) 
Be sure to check out the good folks at NaPoWrimo for daily prompts and links to the to other poets that will be playing along. And I'm most certain that some folks will post their contributions on Facebook or their personal pages....but you'll have to  dig around for those on your own.

Until Sunday
Peace Be
P.S.  I don't really know why she's on my mind today, but sidebar shout out to one of the old homies, Joyce, - one of the only women I know who is truly fearless in her creativity and unapologetic about how it is expressed. The part of me that still hides in my work, wants to be like her when it grows up.

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