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Monday, November 15, 2010

Adventures in Unloading


In no particular order:

  1. A friend of mine asked if my heart still hurt the same amount as it did when we officially separated (again) this past summer. The answer is of course not. It hurts more.
  2. Whatever new age thing my neighbor is into now is causing him to wear bright purple head wraps. There also appears to be's almost 2011. Who is still chanting?
  3. My baby brother is turning 16 on Thursday, and it's dawned on me recently that in the next few years I'll be sending him off to college. I need to readjust my finances...quickly.
  4. I hate my voice. It really sucks to have near perfect pitch and a voice box that can only do a fifth of what I want it to.
  5. Parents are....infuriating.
  6. I'm starting to be the annoying friend - the one who's always sad or has problem or some other annoying thing to deal with - and I was trying so hard not to be that here. It's not their fault I don't have anyone else in this city...anyway. Must think happy thoughts. Be...the happy friend. 
  7. I've turned into a smoker. Not or two cigarettes to calm my nerves....but a legit....pack-a-day smoker. My lungs....hate me.
*Deep Breath*

Ok. That's it.

Peace Be
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  1. these things** .....apparently I need sleep before we tackle

  2. Well we can tackle this things with no problems =)
